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Ravenna Method Plus
Ravenna Method Plus
Introduction (10:03)
Resources-Materials & Tools
Materials: Stone and Smalti (13:43)
Value & Color (19:51)
Ancient Roman/Byzantine Technique & Andamento: Parts 1-5 (61:53)
Backgrounds (11:26)
The Ravenna Method Process: Intro & Reverse Tracing (16:12)
Kit & Palette Card Setup (2:51)
Clay Bed Prep & Print (24:30)
Lime Paste Prep & Print: Parts 1-2 (25:58)
Textural Limitations (2:01)
Laying the Mosaic-Clay: Parts 1-3 (42:34)
Laying the Mosaic: Lime Paste-Part 1-2 (16:58)
Break: Overwhelmed?'s ok! (0:43)
Gluing the Mosaic Surface: Part 1-2 (28:13)
Removing the Clay-Parts 1-3 (33:59)
Removing the Lime Paste (10:05)
Setting Mosaic in Permanent Binder: Clay-Parts 1-2 (31:19)
Additional Setting Options: Lime Paste-Parts 1-2 (31:37)
Removing the Cheesecloth and Glue (18:33)
Antiquing & Cocciopesto (optional) (27:03)
Sealing (optional) (3:04)
Additional Possibilities (4:56)
MKM Original Works created with The Ravenna Method (16:42)
Substrates, Binders, and Materials (29:57)
Closing (1:03)
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